Above is our song titles in order...we realized they encapsulate the feeling & intent of this album. They tell the story of what we pray to convey to you in these songs.
This is a time in which many are seeking, healing, revealing, connecting to themselves & this beautiful offering of Earth & Life we have been given.
There is an awakening occurring...we are wishing to break free of old habits & patterns that no longer serve our spirits or the human spirit on this beautiful planet.
We believe there is a better way that we can be together in this life. This turning, this shift must first begin within. We hope these songs of our heart will affirm your path & inspire your quest of awakening.
Thank you for believing in our bliss & most importantly, believing in your own sweet life & purpose.
Thank you to The Friend who is awakening us to Love and who is escorting us up the stairway of existence into this dream of Utopia.
Steph Dlugon on Violin
Randy "Mando Rando" Brewer on Mandolin
Brian Hood on Lead Guitar
The Burnell Sisters- Deanna on Trumpet & DK on Saxophone
Big Mac on Bass
Doris Dupeyeu on Drums
Karena Ahkmatova on Cello
Anna Keibler Art (man in top hat) http://www.deviantart.com/print/22685712/
Laurie Lapinskas- Art & Graphic Design
CREATIVE Collaborators:
Vik Bennett (Lovely poetry in the Deep Song) http://www.wildwomenpress.com
Thank you to all of our Angels who feed the fire of Bliss- Dr.Oh, Liam Cuff, Dee Love, Sandy Frey
ll songs written and music performed by Renee Ananda & Aim Me Smiley unless otherwise noted